Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Aaaaaaah SUSHI!

Every Wednesday night I go to Ahh Sushi! for half off sushi rolls. It is awesome. It is the greatest and only city-type activity I know, since I'm fairly new here. Except for dollar fish taco Tuesday at Rubio's. And driving in tons of heavy traffic morning and night during both rush hours. Once I have lived here for a little more time, I will know of more city-type activities, then I will blog about them. Iblog.

But Ahh Sushi! California rolls and Funky Charlie rolls are many dollars off, as are some other things from various areas of the menu. And there are many friends there--mainly because I guilt them into coming. But the important thing is that they come. And they're there. And they feel guilty. The best is when you get the back party room and get to close the sliding paper doors. You go back there with all of your friends and put your legs in the hole under the table (which is just barely too far away from you to feel normal) and feel like you own the place, but you don't. Hiro Nigishama does. No he doesn't. I just made that up because I'm trying to appeal to a Japanese audience but I don't think it's working because my sensei just sent me a text message and told me that I was temporarily banned from his dojo for wearing my "Bruce Lee + Jackie Chan = 2 Gay Japs" t-shirt to karate practice. I haven't missed sushi night since I started going at the very beginning of December, except for one night that I was really sick and actually threw up. Not from nausea, but from coughing so hard that I puked.


Ann Marie said...

city-type activities? how about General Conference? Ever heard of it?!

Netti said...

Was your first sushi night with me, Jess and Natalie? Can I take credit for this tradition you've started?..and I don't even like sushi.

Hasenpfeffer said...

You are the first, and will be the last. You've created something for me to count on. I have a happy place, now, and it is Ahh Sushi!

baughtronic said...

Someday I will make it past the front door.