Thursday, March 6, 2008

Utter Fear

The bathroom at work doesn't have a lock on it. I use the sit down part of the bathroom at least once a day, usually sometime in the morning before 10:30. I always experience a little bit of difficulty b-moving because I know that any second my boss could come busting through that door and totally see my nevis (to find out more about the nevis, see previous blog entry entitled Give the Young Chap Your Number), which faces the door directly when I'm using the sit down part of the bathroom. Why is there no lock on the door? Is it a simple error from when they built the bathroom and ordered the wrong door handle? Maybe they just assumed there would be a lock on the handle when they purchased it, when indeed there was none. I would file a complaint, but I've already filed a bathroom complaint with this company, so people might start to think I'm obsessed with the bathroom, and that could hurt my move-up-the-ladder potential. If you were a boss and you had an employee that was always filing bathroom complaints, would you consider him first in a long line of other potential employees that weren't always thinking about the bathroom? That's a question I hope none of us are ever faced with, because it's impossible to answer.


jamielyn said...

what was yr first bathroom complaint?

Ann Marie said...

Ya, keep it on the d.l. if you want to move up anywhere in life. AND mabye bring duct tape with you to could put some (sticky side facing up) just outside the bathroom door. That way, if someone tries to use the bathroom while you're in there, they'll get stuck.

baughtronic said...

Soon enough you'll have the courage to go at your desk.