Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Most Inspirational Video on the Web Today

Give me five minutes of your time. These are five minutes that you'll never get back, but they are also five minutes you'll never forget. Generally I don't care too much for extreme sports videos--they're usually full of obnoxious music and mediocre moves. But this is different. It's not only different, it's amazing. Turn your sound up--no, better yet, put on some really sweet-sounding headphones--maximize the screen, and enjoy. You can thank me later.


Ann Marie said...

HOOOLY COOOOOW! Seriously. That IS the most inspirational video! It totally fits my lil' bro's definition of an extreme sport: it MUST involve fire and explosions. Since he's a pretty radi-cool skateboarder himself I'll have to pass this along.

Thanks for the memories, Hasen!

Netti said...

I'm all about blowing shit up.

ihuman said...

Yes...blow that shit up. Guaranteed, if you add a little explosions to anything it becomes cooler.