Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Rich Port, or The Misadventures of Hasenphil Cline

In Puerto Rico I saw a real-life submarine.


Netti said...

Jealous. I want to go.

miss lee said...

Why is the life jacket signage in Chinese? Would I have to have worn the life jacket if I had tagged along with you guys? Did you notice all the Asians wearing life jackets on that boat? What, have they had incidents where the Chinese try to jump off the ship to swim to the mainland? Isn't Puerto Rico part of United States?

Valery G. said...

The photography is simply brilliant! Who's the artist?

Ann Marie said...

Those are some SWEET photos! Hass, you are amazing. Love, love, love them. Can't get over it.

Good to see all your faces. See you in real life in less than a month!